GP Trainees


 Paxton Green Group Practice is an accredited GP Training practice. All trainees that are allocated to Paxton Green are working towards a chosen medical specialism.

The types of trainee or junior doctor that you, as a registered patient, may come into contact with are as follows:

GP Registrars (ST1, ST2 and ST3)

A GP Registrar or GP Trainee is a fully qualified Doctor who has competed all their medical student training and has also worked for two years as a Foundation Year Doctor. They are now doing the specialist training to become a GP. This will take three years if they work full-time or longer if part-time.

The first two years (ST1 and ST2) are spent in General Practice or in speciality hospital posts (e.g. A &E, psychiatry, paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology). In their 3rd and final year (ST3) they are usually in the practice for 12 months. They complete various assessments during this time including a knowledge test and an assessment of their consultations. Feedback is also taken from colleagues and patients. You may be asked at times if you give permission for your consultation to be recorded for assessment or to complete a feedback questionnaire.

All GP Registrars have a trainer – a senior GP who supervises their clinical work and their training.


Foundation Year Doctors (F2s)

Prior to becoming a Registrar, and having already obtained a medical degree, trainees spend 2 years in Foundation Training. During the second year of foundation training, 4 months is spent in general practice. F2 Doctors remain under clinical supervision (as do all Doctors in training) but take on increasing responsibility for patient care. They have a much longer appointment time allocated as they need more time than a qualified GP to manage each individual case. At the end of their training, F2 Doctors will have begun to demonstrate the skill requirements that are essential for hospital or general practice training.


Medical Students

Medical Students: Before you become a UK Doctor, you first have to obtain degrees in medicine and surgery from a medical school. Medical school training varies between 4 to 6 years depending on whether the student is entering training as a postgraduate trainee. Medical students spend occasional ‘taster’ days at PGGP. They may see patients under supervision of their trainer. We will always ask your permission if we are booking you a consultation with a medical student.

After graduation, the newly qualified doctors enter the 2-year Foundation Programme.


Nursing and Medical Students

We are also joined regularly by medical and nursing students who also seek to further their training. Seeing patients and our team at work is import for them. However, if you prefer to see your doctor or practice nurse along, please let us know and we will respect your wish.


Video-recording of consultations

For education purposes, your doctor may wish to video your consultation. You will be asked if this is acceptable to you when you book the consultation.

All recordings will remain confidential and are only shared with other GP tutors. All videos are destroyed within one year of recording.

If you do not wish your consultation to be recorded, please tell us. This is not a problem and will not affect your consultation in any way.

Dr Rebecca Dodd Dr Rebecca Dodd GP Trainee Dr Julimar Abreu Dr Julimar Abreu GP Trainee Dr Jane Hedley Dr Jane Hedley GP Trainee Dr Lu Zhao Dr Lu Zhao GP Trainee Dr Thomas Eckersley Dr Thomas Eckersley GP Trainee Dr Lauren Richardson Dr Lauren Richardson GP Trainee Dr Alexandra Cann Dr Alexandra Cann GP Trainee Dr Rafaella Barratt Dr Rafaella Barratt GP Trainee